Loidhne reic: Gun chìs 1- 800 -806-1076
Faigh a-mhàin cluais le pluga ceart-cheàrnach 3.5mm , sreang coiled àrd-ìre 30", tiùb fuaimneach tar-shoilleir le ìomhaigh ìosal le ìomhaigh ìosal, agus dà chluasag sileaconach. is e dìreach cluais a leigeas le microfònan neach-labhairt claisneachd fhaighinn gu prìobhaideach ann an àrainneachdan fuaim ìosal agus àrd.
Nota: Bidh an cluais WV1-10282 againn a’ toirt conaltradh rèidio falaichte do phroifeasantaich èigneachaidh lagha. Co-chòrdail ris a h-uile prìomh mhodal rèidio dà-shligheach a’ toirt a-steach ach gun a bhith cuibhrichte gu Motorola, Harris M / A-Com, Kenwood, ICOM, agus Hytera walkie-talkies.
Air a mholadh airson: proifeiseantaich cur an gnìomh lagh poileis, teine, armachd, tèarainteachd.
Micreofon neach-labhairt nach eil air a thoirt a-steach.
Co-ionann ri Motorola RLN4941A, Otto V1-10433
Pàirt WaveBand #WV1-10282.
Tha microfònan seòlaidh iomallach clò iomallach Motorola Coltrolate Motorola Coltrolable Motororolated Co-chòrdaileach .
Ùrachadh gu New Comply„¢ Foam Tips
Tha Mothachadh Suidheachadh A100 agus Iomallach Iomlan N-100 a’ leigeil leis a’ chluais anail a tharraing, a’ cur às do mhì-chofhurtachd agus sgìths cluaise fhad ‘s a tha iad a’ toirt seachad aonaranachd fuaim gun choimeas. Tha teicneòlas peutant € œDual Layer € ” ag àrdachadh gleidheadh gu mòr, a’ toirt seachad suidheachadh tèarainte a-staigh do luchd-cleachdaidh gnìomhach. A’ cleachdadh foam cuimhne viscoelastic àrd-theicneòlas, tha na Molaidhean Comply „¢ Foam air an cur an gnìomh le teas bodhaig, a’ fàs ultra-bhog agus a ’fuireach comhfhurtail rè cleachdadh leudaichte. Co-chòrdail ris A H-UILE inneal conaltraidh tiùb fuaimneach biorach.
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Liked this - purchased a second one.
Very loud and clear transmissions through this earset.Highly recommend
I work for an oil refinery and was looking online for earpieces for some of the guys out in the field.I came across Waveband Communications, not only were they cheaper in price but the earpieces arrived fast.I would definitely be a returning customer.
I used a different kind of ear piece when I was in the service.I like this product so far just wish the the cord to the mic was longer. But other the WV1-10282 is a great product.
I love it!Not only is this ear piece safer but I can hear the radio traffic more clearly.I like how I can quickly pull the ear piece out of the mic if I am in the middle of a fight and go back to using my portable if it falls out of my ear. I like the earpiece and it is very comfortable.I am using the noise cancelling piece and it is a lot more comfortable then the traditional plastic piece.I think we should continue ordering from this company.
Note: All OEM part references are for description purposes only.