Loidhne reic: Gun chìs 1- 800 -806-1076
Tha cuir a-steach cluais coimeasach Motorola RLN4764A no molltair cluais leth-chleachdadh sùbailte agus comhfhurtail.
Tha cuir a-steach cluais fosgailte sùbailte nas comhfhurtail na earbuds silicone agus leigidh iad le luchd-cleachdaidh fuaimean cùl-raon àrainneachd a chluinntinn. Tha iad air an dèanamh de phlastaig hypoallergenic a tha ultra-sùbailte gus a bhith a rèir cumadh cluais neach-cleachdaidh €“ a’ toirt dhaibh am feart a bhith nam molltair cluais leth-chleachdadh. Bidh cuir a-steach cluais fosgailte sùbailte ag obair le tiùb fuaimneach coiled barbed sam bith. Dìreach thoir air falbh am bàrr cluais rubair àbhaisteach agus brùth air a ’chluais fhosgailte sùbailte gus a chuir a-steach air an uilinn plastaig a’ freagairt air tiùb fuaimneach coiled.
Air a mholadh airson : Sàbhailteachd poblach, còmhdhail, saothrachadh, tèarainteachd, togail.
An coimeas ri: Motorola RLN4764A, Otto C806573-LM
Meud: Clì, Meadhanach
Còmhlan-tonn # WC-020001-LM
Co-chòrdail ris a h-uile prìomh phìob fuaim branda rèidio a’ toirt a-steach ach gun a bhith cuibhrichte gu: Motorola, Harris / L3, OTTO, Bendix King, Kenwood, Tait, Sonim, Hytera.
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I purchased this to go on a receive only acoustic tube unit.I like it 10 times better than an ear bud, as I can hear everything around me still.Sometimes it feels a bit loose, so I may try a different size. I'm happy I purchased it.
Have ordered this product many times and always great quality.
Very nice product - we have ordered over 100 of these, in the various sizes and side choices, and haven't had any issues. They are used by our staff on a daily basis.Each are marked with the size on the ear piece (magnifying glass is suggested to see the mark) and that has come in handy, to confirm size, when the earpiece isnt in the package.Waveband Communications is wonderful to do business with and is always available and willing to answer my questions.
Very nice product - we have ordered over 100 of these, in the various sizes and side choices, and haven't had any issues. They are used by our staff on a daily basis. Each are marked with the size on the earpiece (magnifying glass is suggested to see the mark) and that has come in handy, to confirm size, when the earpiece isnt in the package. Waveband Communications is wonderful to do business with and is always available and willing to answer my questions.
Have ordered 100's of this product and have had zero complaints from either Patrol or Detention Deputy's,always Friendly Service and on time promised deliveries. Would recommend these for all your Radio needs, have even tried the foam inserts and have only positive feedback as well.
Note: All OEM part references are for description purposes only.