Loidhne reic: Gun chìs 1- 800 -806-1076
EF Johnson 589-0015-056 - tha mic neach-labhairt iomallach a’ cuir dheth fuaim air a thogail gu math duilich gus seasamh ri cleachdadh trom ann an àrainneachdan dùbhlanach. Gu tric air an cleachdadh mar mhicrofònan lapel, bidh na microfònan labhairt sin a’ toirt seachad claisneachd soilleir criostal, jac accessory àbhaisteach 3.5mm, càballan coil ath-neartaichte Kevlar, agus duslach, uisge, crith agus dìon-gaoithe. An roghainn OEM mu dheireadh aig sàbhalaidhean mòra!
Airson a chleachdadh le Motorola XTS 1500/2500, 3000/5000, Motorola HT1000/MTS2000, & EF Johnson 5100 Series Radios.
Co-chòrdail ri: EF Johnson 589-0015-056 (ES), 589-0015-057 (ES), 589-3015-05218 (ES), 589-3600-05218 (V).
Pàirt WaveBand # WX-8010-M-P03
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I ordered this when my work headset died on me. It was shipped quick and on time and worked as a flawless replacement and the headset it had replaced was actually improvement as this one was a lighter model. Overall working great and better than the one I was originally given by work.
Note: All OEM part references are for description purposes only.