Loidhne reic: Gun chìs 1- 800 -806-1076
Aon inneal sgrùdaidh uèir le microfòn measgachadh in-loidhne agus putan push-to-talk, agus cluais tiùb fuaimneach uile le ceanglaiche Hirose. Feumaidh an inneal seo inneal-atharrachaidh claisneachd, a tha co-chosmhail ris an rèidio agad (air a reic air leth).
Tha na goireasan claisneachd againn co-chòrdail ris a h-uile prìomh mhodal rèidio nuair a thèid an cleachdadh le fìor innealan-atharrachaidh claisneachd rèidio dà-shligheach OEM no Waveband. Chan urrainn dhuinn gealltainn co-chòrdalachd le treas-phàrtaidh adapters.
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I received the product in a reasonable amount of time. I bought the microphone kit with the kit disconnect for the radio. It performed as expected.
Note: All OEM part references are for description purposes only.