Loidhne reic: Gun chìs 1- 800 -806-1076
Luchdaich a-nuas Motorola radio adapter. Adapter Hirose 6-pin tùsail airson a h-uile rèidio Sreath Motorola DP. Coitcheann ann an dì-cheangal luath innealan-atharrachaidh claisneachd airson rèidiothan gluasadach talmhainn.
Nota: Chan urrainn dhuinn ach gealltainn co- chòrdalachd le fìor ghoireasan rèidio dà-shligheach Waveband.
Co-chòrdail ri: Motorola DP4400, DP4600, DP4800, DP3400, DP3600, XIR P8620, XIR P8628
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Good product! Easy to attach, easier to use! Great quality.
Note: All OEM part references are for description purposes only.