Loidhne reic: Gun chìs 1- 800 -806-1076
Ag obair leis a h-uile modal APX 6000 agus meud airson a bhith iomchaidh. Tha na cùisean againn air an togail gus mairsinn agus chaidh deuchainn a dhèanamh orra ann an còrr air 30 dùthaich. Tha a’ chùis seo coltach ris an holster Motorola PMLN5657.
Tha cùisean rèidio dà-shligheach Waveband air cuideachadh le bhith a’ dìon ar fir is boireannaich air an raon-catha agus air na sràidean. Tha neart agus seasmhachd chùisean Waveband air aimsir a thoirt bhon ealain chun fhàsach. Tha sinn moiteil às ar n-obair agus tapadh leat airson do bheachdachadh!
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Flexible and strong case.
Durable leather construction that fits on your duty belt with loop. Custom fit holder doesn't allow radio to accidentally hit preset buttons. Great improvement over plastic holder that comes with radio. Great customer service.
Good strong case
Excellent durable leather construction. Design fits apex radio perfectly. Works prefectly with existing leather radio strap. Very impressed, excellent product.
Note: All OEM part references are for description purposes only.